Photo Tips
Some tips to keep in mind when taking photos

Most homes appear to have more depth when shot from a slight angle. If unsure which view is best, photograph the property from several perspectives. At least one photo should pull far enough back to reveal the entire building; it isn't practical to piece together multiple photos.
Typically, it's more flattering to photograph with the garage and driveway at the far end of the composition.
Close-ups of special details (such as leaded-glass windows, planters, etc.) should also be provided.
If possible, photograph when the sun is directly on the front of the home rather than when the home is in deep shadow or back-lit by the sun. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon are ideal times to take your pictures.
At the customer's request, some creative license can be taken in producing the final product. Landscaping can be adjusted, and items that detract from the composition, such as power lines, can be omitted.
For both pets and humans, the 3/4-view is often the most flattering. This is when the subject's face is turned just slightly in one direction. It will include both eyes, and better reveal the contour of the nose.
Avoid using your flash, which can result in harsh shadows and red-eye.
Photos taken in natural light generally produce better results than artificial, indoor lighting. Avoid direct sunlight, so your subject won't be squinting!
With people, taking pictures at eye-level usually comes naturally. When photographing your pet, don't forget to crouch (unless your pet is perhaps, a llama).
Digital Photos
Set camera for highest resolution (minimum 1600x2000 pixels), and when sending your photos, select the largest file size available. Files should be formatted as JPEGs, and if under 1 MB will, in general, be too indistinct for me to capture the details that will make your drawing truly stand out.
You may also submit a scan of a traditional print.
Check your resolution by zooming in. You should be able to see important details clearly.
If you only have vintage photos of a loved one, or erstwhile homestead, don't despair. Send what you have, and if I can make it work, I will.